Yesterday I spent a time with a tall grey mare who carries a great burden of responsibility for all the horses in her Barn. She found it extremely difficult to relax into the bodywork. She would begin to relax, but then there would be a sound, even just a rustle, and her head would go up and she would hurry over to the stable door to check what was happening. I identified with her; as a busy mum I often found it difficult to allow myself time off. I was wondering how best to help her and I had the thought that I should feel along her sternum. Almost immediately she began to breathe deeply and within a short time she was relaxing, head low and eyes half closed. From then on the session was easy.

​I remembered what my fellow Masterson Method practitioner Leigh Jackson had said about the sternum being close to the heart, and about how caring and responsibility are so connected. As I stood there with the mare, both of us began to find a moment in time of 'just being', without any burden of care. It was very precious. It's moments like these that make the Masterson Method so much more than a massage...